by Joy
I have no clue who this dress belongs to. I've looked everywhere to no avail. It's from my childhood (late 60's - early 70's) and it fits my Malibu Skipper. Thank You!
Comments for Does this dress belong to Skipper?
by Lyn Chappell
(Bay of Plenty, NZ)
Think she might be Barbie's Hispanic friend Teresa. Has "1990, Mattel Inc" on back of head & "Mattel Inc 1966", China on back of waist. Bought her unboxed on auction several years ago for grandchildren, but she is in immaculate condition so has ended up in china cabinet instead (along with a 2004 Kayla Really Rosy, also in original condition - hence our search now to identify this doll). Have spent literally weeks searching for her on net. Found another identical doll in same dress late last year - also unidentified, so our doll appears all origional (except for rose on end of braid!). Found your site this morning during yet another search! Many thanks, Lyn (New Zealand)
Comments for Can anyone identify this Teresa dolls name, year and series?
by T. Liebert
Could anyone please help identifying this skipper (if it's a Skipper at all)? She has relatively pale skin, platinum blonde hair and eyelashes. She's wearing a yellow dress with flowers, which does not seem to match any pictures on here.
Any hint is greatly appreciated!
Comments for Please help identify this SKIPPER....! (Platinum hair, unusual outfit)
by Ana Sanchez
Hi! I'm just purchase this skipper doll at the flea market I'm not sure about the body and head belong together, the body says Mattel Inc. 1967 Mexico and the head says 1984 Mattel inc. could you tell me if they belong together? and another thing, The body is in different colors is this normal? in old and bad shape dolls? haa almost forget the legs are bendable... Thanks and congratulations for the web page loves Ana
Comments for Skipper doll body and head identification request
by ali
(Los Angeles)
Can anyone help me identify this doll? When I was a child I always thought this was skipper. But in researching my dolls now I can not find any barbie doll that looks like her. She has 1967 Mattel, Inc. U.S. Patent Pending, Made in Korea written on her body
Comments for Skipper Doll Identification Help Request
by Tami Murillo
(Reno, NV)
I am looking for information on an mid 60's Julia doll with 3 removable wigs. She was stolen and am trying to get a value on her. She originally came in her own case with 3 wigs and several outfits.
Hi Tami -
As far as I know, there was no Julia doll with wigs - Mattel only made 2 Julias - TNT Julia & Talking Julia - you can see them here - Julia Dolls. There were 3 Barbie dolls with wigs: Fashion Queen Barbie (1963), Miss Barbie (1964), & Wig Wardrobe Midge (1964).
Return to Barbie and Fashion Doll Identification.
by Evelyn
(New York)
Folded packet
I found a folded paper packet with some 1963 Skipper clothing and accessories. I do not know much about these treasures..but I am wondering if anyone can tell me anything about this..or if it just junk! :)
Return to Barbie and Fashion Doll Identification.
Hi, item came on very vintage Ken (He was trashed). It is a very tiny white plastic wrist watch. Too small to read anything, just looks like a stamped dial. I can't find anything on it, so maybe you know? thanks for any help.
Hi -
I have never seen or heard of a watch that came with Ken or any of his ensembles. We'll see if any of our Ken experts know what it is?
Return to Barbie and Fashion Doll Identification.
Hi I have a Vintage Skipper but it feels as if her legs are a hard plastic. They feel different from the vintage Francie Barbie since Francie legs feels soft more similar to the modern barbies?
Comments for How does the original skipper barbie legs feel?
by Gary Nance
(Marion, NC, USA)
Came across this hatbox. I've looked everywhere and can't find a Francie hatbox with this picture on it. All the rest are square cases with a different picture. The date on the bottom is 1965. Does anyone know anything about how rare this case is and what it may be worth? I'm interested in finding why there doesn't seem to be any online.
Comments for Question on rarity and worth of 1965 Francie Hatbox