Vintage Ken Campus Hero

Campus Hero
(1961 - 1964)

Red, White, Light Gray and Charcoal Gray Stripe Wool Sweater
White Cuffed Pants with Front Zipper
Red Knit Socks
White Shoes
Yellow Felt "State" Pennant
1961 - 1963: Yellow Felt "U"
1964: Red And White Felt "M"

This is one of Ken's iconic vintage ensembles. It is very easy to find, although it can sometimes be a challenge to find it in mint condition. The sweater is prone to holes and the white pants are often dirty.

In 1964 the felt letter included in the ensemble changed from a yellow "U" (for University) to a red and white "M" (for Mattel).

It was featured on this 1964 Single Ken Case. It came in three colors - Mustard Yellow, Teal Green and Lavender.

It can also be found on this 1964 black Barbie, Ken and Midge Trunk.

It was reproduced in the 2008 Campus Sweet Shop Gift Set (issued in celebration of Midge's 45th birthday and included the first ever Alan doll reproduction.)

It was also featured on this 2011 Hallmark Christmas Ornament. (2011 was Ken's 50th birthday.)

This dressed box Ken wearing Campus Hero sold for $400 on eBay in March 2012.

Ken's friend Alan in Campus Hero.

Ken Campus Booklets

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