Vintage Barbie White Magic

Vintage Barbie White Magic
White Satin Coat
White Satin Pillbox Hat
Silver Dimple Purse
Short White Gloves

The white satin coat and hat were also part of the Satin Mix & Match Group Fashion Pak Group(1963) .

The coat is fairly easy to find - though it is prone to show signs of wear and dirt very easily.

 I have had great success cleaning the white satin pieces with an Oxiclean soak and then a very gentle pressing with a warm iron after they are dry.  The pieces I have done this with have turned out looking like new.

The white hat is very hard to find and sometimes it can be a challenge to find the silver dimpled purse - they were not as plentiful as the gold ones seem to be.

Fashion Doll Guide Home » Barbie 1964 » White Magic