Vintage Barbie Poodle Doodles

Vintage Barbie Poodle Doodles

Mini-dress with Red Roll Collar Top and Black Floral Print Skirt
Matching Black Floral Vest with Turquoise Collar and Waistband with Button Closure
Black Floral Boots
Black Poodle with Turquoise Collar & Gold Chain Leash

The ensemble is a long sleeve dress with a plain red top and black floral skirt. The vest matches the skirt of the dress and is also trimmed in the same turquoise blue faux suede as the poodle's collar and leash handle. The boots are just wild.

Barbie's black poodle has a turquoise blue faux suede collar and handle on the gold chain leash.

This is one of three ensembles from a group called Put-ons 'n Pets. They include an ensemble and a pet for Barbie. They are all hard to find. The other two are Kitty Kapers and Hot Togs.

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